Radio Luit

Radio Luit
Rating: 3.4/5 - 42 votes

Language: Assamese, Hindi, English, Bengali, Nepali.

Genre: community.

Broadcast Timing: 8 AM - 8 PM

Broadcast Hours: 12 hours

Format: Radio Luit produces programmes using various formats like talk shows, discussions, drama, magazine, features, phone-in interactive, folk and modern songs performed by the community

Most often theGauhatiUniversity community and people living around the campus are neglected by the big media houses. Today,the community radio station named afterthe mighty Luit endeavours to give voice to the aspirations of local people.

The overarching focus ofthe CRS is on the theme of ‘discovering talents within the community and uals’. Some new initiatives related to disaster management, skill development and environmentbased issues have also been taken.

  • First air date: 2011
  • Frequency: 90.8 FM
  • Country: India, Assam, Guwahati


Radio Luit broadcasts in the following cities on FM or AM:


  • Address: GUIDOL BuildingGauhatiUniversity, Gopinath Bordoloi Nagar,Jalukbari,Guwahati, Kamrup (M), Assam - 781 014
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Phone number: +91 8811092674 (Prof. Amit Choudhury, Station Director; BhaskarJyoti Acharjya, Programme Executive; Durlov Barman, Transmission In-charge)
  • Facebook
  • Official website:

Main Programs

Mukoli Sora and Quizzeria

Key Partners: Assam State Disaster Management Authority; Dr. Anamika Ray Memorial Trust; Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Kahikuchi, Guwahati, Assam; Gandharba Cultural Club, Baripara, Guwahati, Assam; and others.

Core Team:

  • Amit Choudhury
  • Bhaskar Jyoti Acharjya
  • Durlov
  • Barman
  • Ratna Das
  • Bhupen Deka
  • Pallabika Mahanta
  • Mridumoni Kakati
  • Ritupurna Choudhury
  • Dolly Deka

CRMC Members: Vice Chancellor, GauhatiUniversity; Director, GUIDOL, Gauhati University; Kandarpa Das; Abani Kr Bhagabati; Dr. Bhaskar Jyoti Borah; Archana Sharma; Upen Rabha Hakasam; Swarna Prabha Chainary and others.

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