Radio Mattoli

Radio Mattoli
Rating: 3.9/5 - 102 votes

Language: Malayalam.

Genre: talk.

Broadcast Hours: 24 hours

Format: Radio documentaries, success stories, skits,radio dramas, live phone-in programmes, interviews, programmes based on panel discussions, women oriented talk shows and quizes.

Wayanad is basically an agrarian society. The districtis socio economically and educationally backward. In orderto address the developmental concerns the districtfaces as a whole, Wayanad Social Service Society conceived the idea of launching a community radio station, Radio Mattoli.

Radio Mattoli focusses on the overall socio-economic, educational and cultural development ofthe society to ensure the overall development of people living in the coverage area.

  • First air date: 2009
  • Bitrate: 48 Kbps
  • Frequency: 90.4 FM
  • Country: India, Gujarat, Dwarka


Radio Mattoli broadcasts in the following cities on FM or AM:



Main Programs

  • Ayurcare
  • Homeo Care
  • Doctor Live
  • Den Care
  • Manasoukya (health)
  • Vanitha Mattoli
  • Club Time

Key Partners: The station is associated with various government departments, NGOs,UNICEF, CDAC,Jalanidhi and NABARD.

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